Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This work was created in Adobe AfterEffects using motion presets, expressions and some manual keyframing. Music by Forss
Sebastian Lange is commuinications designer for qu-int.com and mynamewasgod.com

Flickermood 2.0 from Sebastian Lange on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Joseph Nechtaval | Terra incOgnitO

Joseph Nechtaval is a post-conceptual art digital artist and art theoretician who creates computer-assisted paintings and computer animations, often using custom-created computer viruses.

In this interview at a recent exhibition he talks about the need for political vitality and currency in art practice.

See more of his work at http://post.thing.net/

Joseph Nechvatal Interview from Anthony-Masterson on Vimeo.