Thursday, March 25, 2010

Martin Belger | The world's first transparent pinhole X-ray camera

"Using the Divine Proportion camera, Martin Belger will photograph X-rays from inside a particle accelerator. The Divine Proportion camera is a lead glass encased pinhole camera, specifically designed to capture on film the scatter from the impact of a high intensity X-ray beam on sculptures representing creation and destruction. The sculptures will be selected based on iconic figures of creation and destruction from the region in which the particle accelerator is located."
text source and image ; Boy of Blue Industries

This work will be on show from April 30th at Meta Gallery Ontario

Friday, March 5, 2010

Interview with Mera and Don Rubell at the Rubell Family Collection, Miami

In this video, art historian and art expert Bettina Krogemann and Don and Mera Rubell sit down in Cady Noland’s installation “This Piece Has No Title Yet” (1989) to talk about the history of the Rubell Family Collection and the various aspects of collecting art.
The RFC was started in New York in 1964 when Don and Mera Rubell were first married. Since 1993 it has been displayed in Miami at its current, 45′000 square-foot location, and it first opened to the public in 1994. Since then, the Rubell Family Collection has been recognized as the pioneer of what is often referred to as the “Miami model,” whereby private collectors create a new, independent form of public institution.